Friday, May 22, 2020

War Correspondents: Canadian Writers - Sicily, 1943 (2).

12 Correspondents, Their Photos and Wee Biography

"If there's 12, where are the other two fellas?" Soon to follow : )
Photo Credit - The Winnipeg Tribune, July 28, 1943


Twelve Canadian war correspondents are not only mentioned in a news article found in The Winnipeg Tribune, but ten are represented in a rare photo array. Photos of the other two are also provided below.

In an earlier entry, featuring a news article from The Toronto Globe and Mail and an accompanying photograph from The Montreal Star, seventeen Canadian war correspondents were listed, and only a couple are repeated here. That being said, The Tribune's article supplies a (somewhat) cleaner photo array along with a brief biography re each writer.

On the same day this appeared, a few articles by one of the above writers were also printed. A couple have been presented below along with a link to earlier Tribune articles by Richard (Dick) Sanburn. By following links in the Blog Archive (see side margin),  i.e., February - April, 2017; Articles: Sicily, readers will find many articles written by this hard working band of brothers.

Overseas Staff Of 12 Men Covers War...

Ross Munro provided many excellent news reports, often beating other reporters to the punch:

Not only does Ross Munro make the front page on July 28, 1943 (the same day the 12 writers above were featured), he can be found on the inside pages as well:

Dick Sanburn is another fine writer from Canada, and is featured often in The Tribune and other Canadian newspapers during the war. A sample is provides below, along with the link to an earlier post that featured news from Sicily.

Another article by Sanburn and more news from Sicily can be found here - Articles: Sicily, July 16 - 23 (Post 10 of 18)

Both Munro and Sanburn are known to have written articles that mentioned names of Canadians who were volunteers in the Combined Operations organization.

Please link to War Correspondents: Canadian Writers - Sicily, 1943 (1).

Unattributed Photos GH

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