Monday, September 2, 2024

Dieppe: Lists of Naval Forces That Participated in the Raid

Lists of H.M. Ships, the Organization of Ships and Flotillas

and Names of Commanding Officers in LCTs and LCPs

Landing Craft Mechanised (LCM), "the workhorse" of raids and invasions.
If only we knew who was in this one! Photo - Imperial War Museum (IWM)


This entry and the one previous are closely connected to the Dieppe Raid. As well, the information presented in both re the raid was originally organized and presented by Clayton Marks of London, Ontario (a former member of RCNVR and Combined Operations during WWII) in his book entitled COMBINED OPERATIONS.

Both entries sprang from the next previous post re correspondence between two veterans prior to their attendance at the 50th Anniversary of the raid in Dieppe, France in 1992.

The details below may be found in other books but I do enjoy shining the spotlight on Mr. Marks for the work that he and his wife Jewel performed to create a resource that is very valuable, and significant to this day. As well, it provides an opportunity - 82 years after the fact - to share a few related links that may be helpful or informative to readers. (Questions or related details can be addressed/sent to

Lists of British ships, flotillas of landing craft, officers participating in the Dieppe Raid, including several Canadians and two Australian officers (cf correspondence between C. Marks and C. Masterman) can be found below:

H.M.S Glengyle as found at Commando Veterans Archive

More information re H.M.S. Locust (see under SLOOP AND GUNBOAT above) and its role on August 19, 1942 can be found in a book by David O'Keefe entitled One Day in August: The Untold Story Behind Canada's Tragedy at Dieppe. A few details about O'Keefe's book can be found here.

S/LT. David J. Lewis (one line above), after reading Clayton Marks' book re Canada's role in Combined Operations during WWII, was inspired to write his own stories (and collect many more from fellow veterans, including my father Doug Harrison). Lewis' two volumes, entitled St. Nazaire to Singapore: The Canadian Amphibious War 1941 - 1945, can be found online. Please click here to link to Volume 1 at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. 

Lt.-Cdr. C. Masterman, RANVR (Flotilla Officer), first line below, wrote four letters to Clayton Marks in the early 1990s and the second letter will be shared in the very near future on this site.

Lists are from Combined Operations,  C. Marks, pages 31 - 37

Back, L - R: 'Gash' Bailey, Clayton Marks, and David Lewis (David wrote
and collected stories for St. Nazaire to Singapore (two lengthy volumes)
Front L - R: Doug Harrison (my father) and Al Kirby, Woodstock, ONT
For more information about these and other veterans, click here 

More War Correspondence from one veteran to another (members of Combined Operations during WWII) will soon follow.

Please click here to view the list of all Canadians in Combined Operations who participated in the Dieppe Raid on August 19, 1942.

Unattributed Photos GH

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